Tester AMT105 Manual


In “Margin Setting” section, it is possible to set all four margins of the text. In “Document Setting” section, by checking “Insert page number”, you can insert page numbers on report pages. Also, by checking “Insert page break before main heading”, every “HEADING” of the report is added to the beginning of every new page.

By selecting “Fit width to max length data” in “Page Size” section, size of the tables in the report is adjusted according to the page size while by selecting “Fix width”, the page size remains fixed. If size of the table is larger than the page, some parts of the table goes beyond the page boundary.

In “Header/Footer setting”, by checking “Header”, “Header text” field appears which enables you to enter your desired text. Also in “Header height” section, you can specify your desired height for the “Header”.

By clicking on “Logo” and opening “Import logo for report” window, you can insert a picture or the logo of the company in the “Header” of the report.

By checking “Footer”, “Footer text” field appears which enables you to enter your desired text. Also in “Footer height” section, you can specify your desired height for the “Footer”.

By checking “Show persons sign” and selecting “Setting”, “Persons sign” window opens where you can add up to four signs to your report. By clicking on “Add persons sign” and clicking on “Signature” and selecting “Signature” you can add a “Signature” to your report. In “Title” and “Value” sections, title and name of the person are entered respectively.

In “Title” of the “Setting” section, you can enter a general title for all four signatures and add a box for every signature by checking “Show border in report”. Also, in “Repeat mode” section, by selecting “Show in all pages” the entered signatures are displayed in all pages. But, by selecting “Show in last page”, these signatures are displayed only in the last page.

In “Extra setting” section and in “Tested by”, “Approved by”, “Company”, and “Comment” fields, you can enter the name of the performer of the test, the supervisor, and the company as well as comments respectively. Note that to show these items in the output report, other than checking their options in this section, you need to check their options in the tree diagram under abstract branch as well.

By selecting “Browse custom”, you can display specific information of the “Xrio” file in the report by checking their corresponding option. For example, to display “Name plate” and “Location”, you should check these options from the “Test object” tree diagram of the “Device” section in “Browse custom” and “Xrio block report setting” page so that the intended information is specifically displayed in the report.



In the Sequencer room, first in the Hardware configuration window, set the  Type Setting based on the 205AMT device and Set the Output Voltage and Signal Output Voltage settings according to what  you see . Then open the View Vector window to see the values of the current  and the output and input voltages of the device in different modes, we add.

To clarify this concept better, first connect a 100 ohm resistor to the VA 1  voltage output and in the View Table window, Column VL1 is set to 1V and time to 0.1s and after running the test in the View  Signal and View Vector windows, you can see the injective and transitive  values. 

Now you can convert Output Voltage to Output Current. For this, enter the  Hardware Configuration tab and changed the Type from Voltage to Current and  returning to the View Table window, you can see that the VL1 unit is changed to  A. 

By injecting 100 mA, you can see that the read voltage is 10V, and this action  determines that from the output Current Low, High Voltage we can use two  current and voltage control modes.

To determine more precisely the advantage of this option, first change the  resistance to 1 kilo ohm. By then converting Type to Voltage and injecting 1V,  you see that the current is read as 1 mA. By changing the Type again to Current  and injecting 100 microamps, observe the real current  injected and the read  voltage, we will come to the conclusion that to have low current with high  accuracy  Convert Current Low, Voltage High into a current. Also, in order to have low  voltage with high accuracy, it is necessary to convert Current High, Voltage Low  into a voltage.

It should be noted that in Current Low, Voltage High mode, the voltage peak is  420 V and the current peak is 1 A, and in High Voltage, Low mode Current, the voltage peak is 22 V and the current peak is 94 A.



The function of the PMUR device is to record phasor, frequency and rate of frequency changes (ROCOF). The measurement error of each of these values  is defined by TVE، FE and RFE respectively as follows:

In the above, X and 

  represent the real value of the phase and the value estimated by the PMU, the i and r indices represent the imaginary and real parts of the phase X respectively.

The test device is required to record the theoretical value of the injected signal for all time tags along with its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The PMU sends the measured data to the test machine using C37.118 protocol. The test device compares the theoretical and measured values of phase، frequency and ROCOF for specific time tags determined by the rate of data transmission، and computes TVE، FE and RFE values.

A phase measurement unit (PMU) is a device used to estimate the amount and phase angle of an electric phase value (such as voltage or current) in an electrical grid using a common time source for synchronization. Time synchronization is usually provided by GPS or IEEE 1588 Precision Time protocol, which allows simultaneous measurement of multiple remote points on the network.  They are capable of taking samples from the waveform sequentially and reconstructing the phase quantity, which consists of an angle measurement and a large measurement. These synchronous measurements are important because if the supply and demand of the network are not fully matched, frequency imbalances can cause stress on the grid, which is a potential cause of power outages.

PMUs can also be used to measure frequencies on the power grid. A typical commercial one can report measurements with very high temporal resolution, up to 120 measurements per second. This helps engineers analyze the dynamic events in the network that are not feasible with traditional SCADA measurements that create a measurement every 2 or 4 seconds. Consequently, PMUs equip installations with advanced monitoring and control capabilities and are considered to be one of the most important measurement devices in the future of power systems. The PMU can be a dedicated device, or the PMU function can be incorporated into a protective relay or other device.

To perform PMU test on the start screen of the software, click on the Phasor measurement unit (PMU) room, and in the opened page, 4 tests are designed in 4 tabs called Steady State, Modulation, Frequency ramp, Step.

In the Steady State tab, you can see different modes. For example، in Fault Type Vl1، Mode adds two points with harmonic characteristics of 2، 40% and 70% and 0.2 seconds and after testing and comparing the nominal and measured values، the test will pass or fail.

The Modulation tab consists of two tests of amplitude modulation and phase. According to the standard, either amplitude modulation or phase modulation is applied. The signal model in modulation is considered as follows:

Xa = Xm [1+kx cos(2πfmt)] × cos [2πf0t+ka cos (2πfmt-π)]

For this test, the first points of interest are added, for example, a point with the specifications of F0=500Hz, amplitude 100%, Kx=0.1, Fa=100Hz, Ka=0.9 and SNR=40db, and after performing the test and getting feedback from PMU and comparing the nominal and measured values, the test will pass or fail.

The other two tests will be passed or fail after adding the points and running the test and getting feedback from the PMU and comparing the measured and rated values.